Reasons to hire and REALTOR® and why an Information About Brokerage
Services form is important
by Kelle Wirt
Just like in many businesses, there is usually some mild hesitation about
working with a salesperson of any kind, and REALTORS® are not immune to this.
Due to the poor ethics of some, the whole group is given a bad rap. However,
having a REALTOR® in your corner is a very good idea for a variety of reasons. When first meeting
with your REALTOR®, they probably handed you a form that looks like this. This is a relatively simple form that says expressly whom
the REALTOR® is working for. It is important to understand that if you have a
REALTOR® working for you, they are always working in your best interest (provided
they are an ethical agent.) The Information About Brokerage Services is to let
you know there will be no conflict of interest if the buyer’s agent or seller’s
agent happens to represent both sides of the sale. Simply stated; if the buyer
or seller agrees to this intermediary relationship the agent will not divulge
any information to either party in any way to give favor to one over the other.

A note about REALTOR® ethics and the Buyer’s Rep Contract
An ethical and responsible REALTOR®
is going to communicate with you and be competent. At the very least, you
should expect your REALTOR® to answer all questions in a timely fashion and be
up to date on the latest laws and current trends in the real estate market. If
they fail to do either of these things, drop them and find someone who will.
You deserve to be represented by the best. However, this communication must go
both ways, and the best way for that to happen is to sign a Buyer’s Rep
Contract. This guarantees that you will work with that REALTOR® only for your
current needs. While signing contracts may make some uneasy, this is the best
way to build a relationship with a REALTOR® you have come to trust. Do know
that these contracts can be made to a specific location, so if you are an
investor looking at multiple areas, you can find someone in each area to be
sure they have the best information possible.
As always, I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please email me at or
comment below. Happy home buying!
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